Because it deals with affection, the 5th house and its ruler denote pets. So does the planet Venus. For both pet owners, the natal chart set up the tragedies while the subperiod and the transits created the timing.
The first person is in a Rahu subperiod and the second is in a Ketu subperiod. Lunar nodes can bring about disturbing events in their subperiods.
In the first chart, the weak 5th house ruler is aspected by Rahu and weak Venus is closely conjunct the Most Malefic Planet (MMP). The transiting lunar nodes aspected the weak transiting 5th house ruler and weak transiting Venus simultaneously.
In the second chart, the weak 5th house ruler is aspected by Ketu. Transiting Rahu and MMP, Moon, aspected the transiting 5th house ruler. Weak transiting Venus was also afflicted by the nodes simultaneously.
Labels: Loss of a Pet