Shayn Astrology

Shayn is commited to giving competent and caring astrological guidance based on 40 years of study and practice. He has carefully selected the best and most comprehensive astrological reports on the market today. Shayn Astrology helps reveal the inner secrets of the heavens!

Friday, November 09, 2007

On this day in 1965 the entire Northeast section of the United States experienced a blackout that affected 30 million people for 13 hours. I thought it would be interesting to see how this event manifested in the SAMVA USA chart. I believe the stationary movement of the functional malefics Saturn, Rahu and Ketu contributed to the crisis.

L8 Saturn, ruler of obstructions, was the main period lord and Mars, ruler of energy, was the subperiod lord. In transit, Mars was in infancy, badly placed in H6, and also suffering from a weak dispositor. Because of this transit weakness, the otherwise strong natal Mars had difficulty protecting itself from the stationary (and thus more powerful) transiting nodes which afflicted it (77%).

Communication and transportation were chaotic as millions of people were stranded during rush hour. Natal Mercury, natural significator and L3 (communication) was afflicted by transiting Rahu (83%). In transit, Mercury was afflicted by Saturn (72%) . Transiting Saturn also afflicted natal Rahu (86%) further adding to the confusion while natal Ketu afflicted transiting Saturn (86%).

Other afflictions occurred, but to a lesser degree.


Friday, November 02, 2007

I was giving a presentation yesterday which included a discussion of the Age of Aquarius. As some know, the precession of the equinoxes over the years has placed the vernal equinox against the backdrop first of Aries almost four thousand years ago, then Pisces, and on to Aquarius by around 2600.

Well, we just had to talk about the lyrics of the song that says "When the Moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars..." No special planetary significance here because this happens every several years. Last time was around December 11, 2006 and the next will be in February, 2009.

So until the actual "Age" arrives, let's experience it practicing "harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding."

Yeah, that's cool!
